Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles into specific points on the body to help restore balance and facilitate healing. Each treatment is individually formulated and may include additional healing modalities such as heat therapy, sound healing, herbal liniments etc. A tranquil environment helps you to deeply relax and allow your body the space to heal.
Initial Consult + Treatment: $125
Follow-Up Treatment: $85
Package of 5 treatments: $400 (save $25)
Package of 10 treatments: $750 (save $100)
Cupping and Gua Sha
Both of these modalities help to reduce pain, relax areas of tension, increase circulation and reduce inflammation in the muscle tissue and fascia. They may be done on their own or to enhance the effects of an acupuncture treatment.
Cupping and/or Gua Sha: $50
Add-on to Acupuncture treatment: $30
Facial Rejuvenation
Facial Rejuvenation or Cosmetic Acupuncture is a gentle and natural way to improve the appearance of skin. Each treatment includes a body treatment as well to focus on your whole health and nourish the skin at a deep level. Treatments include facial cupping and gua sha, facial mask, serum and moisturizer, hydrating rose hydrosol, hot towels and a facial and scalp massage to release areas of tension. It is recommended to get a series of 12 treatments for optimal results.
Facial Rejuvenation Treatment: $180
Package of 12 treatments: $1,800 (save $360)
Reiki is a gentle healing modality that uses the energy in and around the body to reduce stress and promote healing on a mental, emotional, and physical level.
45 min session: $75